The following pdf files contain artwork by Okumart, designed to be printed out, cut and formed into cool paper miniatures. Find some plastic bases and you get this:

Photo from Wonderboy, of the Cardboard Warriors forum. Yes, this is exactly as cool as it looks.
For up-to-date news and the opportunity to thank/harass/chat with Okumarts in person, you can find the miniatures project thread here.
Federation Away Team (original)
…or get the scaled up version.
Klingons (original)
…or get the scaled up version.
Federation Landing Party (original)
…or get the scaled up version.
Romulans (original)
…or get the scaled up version.
Warning: Contains daunting foes such as Mugatos, Klingon Dogs, Tribbles, Denebian Slime Devils and a mysterious Cloud Entity.
Standard disclaimer: This game is completely free, as in beer. All copyrights are copyright of their respective owners.
Resale or misuse of said downloadable pdf is prohibited except via permission. I disavow all liability for any damages said document may do to you or your computer should you opt to download it, up to and including you printing it out, grinding it into a fine white powder and inadvertantly inhaling it.
Feel free to redistribute, use or modify as you see fit as long as you give proper credit to me. If you do anything really cool with it, fire me an email and let me know about it.